What Is A Scale and Polish?

What Is A Scale and Polish?

Plaque builds upon the surface of your teeth daily, that is why scale and polish were developed by dentists to clean areas around your teeth that brushing your teeth will miss. This cleaning procedure will help protect your teeth and prevent gum disease. At Manor House Dental, we provide a wide range of bespoke dental services that will help brighten your smile and give you confidence. Keep on reading to discover the importance of scale and polish and its benefits.

Woman getting a scale and polish


Scale And Polish Procedure

A scale and polish procedure is carried out by a dentist or dental hygienist. A dentist or hygienist will make a careful assessment of the conditions of your teeth and gums. Then they will scale your teeth, by removing any stains and tartar (plaque) using a high-speed electric device. The teeth are then polished to make them smooth which makes it easier to keep them clean at home. The next part of the procedure is the polish. This is done by cleaning your teeth professionally by using a rotating pad that acts like a toothbrush and high-quality toothpaste will be applied. Your mouth will then be fully cleaned including the areas that are difficult to reach.


Does A Scale And Polish Whiten Your Teeth?

Brushing alone won’t give you the perfect smile you dream of. Dentists have the correct tools to keep your teeth at their cleanest and eliminate stains efficiently by scale and polish. However, if you are considering a whiter result, you can try teeth whitening treatment for more permanent results.


How Often Should You Have A Scale And Polish?

It is recommended that you see your dentist regularly for a scale and polish, which should be around every 3-6 months depending on your oral health. This should be done alongside regular brushing and flossing at home. The procedure itself will only take roughly around 40 minutes.


Why Is Scale And Polish Important and What Are The Benefits?

Scale and polish are important as it is more than just cleaning your teeth. It is a preventative measure in reducing gum disease and removing plaque and bacteria around your teeth. That’s why you need to have regular check-ups with your dental hygienist to avoid the risk of having gum disease.

Benefits include:

  • Preventative care – helps to avoid getting gum disease
  • Whitens teeth – brightens your smile
  • Shorter appointment times – As this is a quick procedure you won’t be waiting to be called in for so long


Does A Scale And Polish Hurt?

Having this treatment will not hurt your teeth. However, you may feel some discomfort from the scraping sensation on your gums. Occasionally, after a scale and polish, some people experience more sensitivity on their teeth, however, this is normal and temporary. If you are nervous about dental pain, you can ask for a numbing gel to be used to ease the process.


Book An Appointment

Now that you are well informed, you might like to book an appointment with our dental hygienist to get you started with this treatment. If you wish to have something else done please don’t hesitate to contact us and book an appointment. We are here to help you and guide you to give your teeth the care and treatment they deserve.

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