Implant Supported Bridge

Implant Supported Bridge

3D render of implant support bridgeIf you have missing teeth and are wondering what treatment you should get, implant supported bridges could be an option for you. At Manor House Dental, we can help to restore your smile and give you the best treatment possible. A dental implant supported bridge is used to replace missing teeth by using two or more artificial roots in the jawbone and adding a bridge of artificial teeth to them. Sounds interesting? Keep on reading.


How Does Dental Supported Bridge Work?

Long gaps where multiple teeth are missing can be treated efficiently with implant supported bridges. An implant supported bridge is supported by implants and a regular dental bridge is supported by natural teeth. The majority of the time, when having an implant supported bridge, one implant is put on the jawbone for each missing tooth. The crowns are then connected to form a piece. Dental bridges help to maintain the tooth, bite and alignment of your jaw. If you only have a few missing teeth, then dental implant treatment might be a more suitable option for you. The majority of these patients will have a substantial amount of jawbone making them the ideal candidate for a fixed-implant supported bridge.

The Difference Between a Bridge and Implants

Bridges last for an average of 10 years, whereas dental implants can last a lifetime if they are properly looked after by maintaining good oral hygiene. The treatment time for a dental bridge is much shorter than getting implants. A permanent bridge replaces a temporary one only two weeks after the initial procedure. However, implants are made out of titanium metal that attaches to the jaw bone. The process takes a few months to make sure everything has settled in place and is healed. Dental bridges do not offer complete sustainability because they are not a permanent solution, unlike dental implants which will never slip out of place. Another difference is bone loss. Bone loss can occur with bridges whereas dental implants are the only type of restorative treatment that prevents jawbone decay. Good hygiene is required for both bridges and implants. Special care is required for bridges to prevent the build-up of plaque. Implants also require a lot of care and monthly dental check-ups after the procedure.

The Difference Between a Fixed and a Removable Dental Bridge

Implant supported bridges can either be fixed or removable. Removable bridges are often referred to as overdentures. A fixed support bridge is permanently attached to the abutments of the implants, and can only be removed with assistance from a dental practitioner. A removable implant supported bridge is favoured by some patients because it can be removed regularly for cleaning. It is also less expensive than a fixed implant supported bridge.

6 Benefits of Having Implant Supported Bridges

If you are thinking about getting an implant supported bridge it is important to consider the benefits:

  1. Lifetime results
  2. Improved jaw structure so you have a fuller younger face
  3. Chewing food will become easier
  4. More comfortable than dentures
  5. Teeth will feel like your own
  6. Your smile will be complete

Can Everyone Get an Implant Supported Bridge?

Implant supported bridge treatment is tailored to the individual. It depends on the amount of bone loss and your overall health. If you have extensive tooth decay or injury that has left you with gaps in your mouth where your teeth should be, you may want to consider other options. Your dentist will help you decide which options are best for you. To learn more about implant supported dental bridges and how Manor House Dental can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted, contact us today on 01218173929.

Which Is Cheaper, a Dental Implant or a Bridge?

Implant supported bridges are very similar to traditional bridges in form. However, with implant supported bridges, implant connectors are utilised as retainers instead of natural teeth. Just like traditional bridges, implant supported bridges use crowns that are placed on connectors that are similar in shape to a natural tooth that will place a crown. Dental bridges are usually cheaper and have a shorter procedure than dental implants. However, this is because dental implants are long-lasting providing a better long term solution and are more aesthetically pleasing. There is a common misconception that bridges are not sturdy and will eventually fall out. They do loosen over time, however, they can be easily tightened by your dentist.

Reach Out to Us

We hope we have answered all of your queries and concerns after reading this blog. If there are still things you would like to discuss with us, contact our friendly team today and we will assist you. If you don’t think dental implant support bridges are for you then there are possible alternatives for you such as removable dentures. We provide you with the best treatment available and look after all of our patients. Take a look at our smile gallery for amazing results!


Implant Supported Bridge


How Long Does The Treatment Last? 

The treatment period usually is between 5 and 7 months. However, each treatment can vary depending on each patient and their type of treatment, whether it is upper, lower jaw procedure or both. If your oral health is good and teeth need to be taken out this can take place in the same appointment. If this is not the case, then additional appointments may be necessary.

Do Implant Supported Bridges Hurt?

Getting implant supported bridges is not painful as you will be under a local anaesthetic. Once your mouth is numb, your dentist will start the procedure. For the majority of patients, two weeks will be enough for the brides to adjust completely. During this time, it is important to avoid very hot or cold foods. Also, using toothpaste for people with sensitive teeth for the first couple of days will help with the discomfort and slight pain that you will endure after the procedure. If you have dental anxiety we will make sure you feel completely comfortable and relaxed about the treatment and will be patient with you and listen to all your concerns.

How Many Teeth Can an Implant Bridge Support?

A bridge connects two supports (abutments) therefore, whether it is the upper or lower jaw that needs support, two dental implants can replace up to six missing teeth approximately.

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