New Teeth Birmingham

New Teeth Birmingham

The first step to looking and feeling like your best self is improving your smile. At Manor House Dental, our experienced dentists in Birmingham offer a range of dental services to replace missing or decayed teeth. When you need new teeth, choosing the right method of treatment can be overwhelming. You may be considering dental implants, dental bridges, dental crowns, or dentures to replace missing teeth. Luckily, our dentists have years of experience helping patients get the smile they have always wanted with each type of tooth replacement option available. Read on to learn more about how our dental services can improve your oral health and increase your confidence! Contact Manor House Dental today to schedule a consultation to find out which treatment option works best for you!


Best Options For New Teeth:

Dental Implants 

Dental implants are one of the most effective and natural-looking ways to replace a missing tooth. They look and feel just like your real teeth, so you can speak, eat, and smile with confidence.


After your teeth are removed, dentures are put into place. These take some getting used to, but most people eventually adjust. A device is placed between the roof of your mouth and lower jaw to hold your mouth open as far as needed for cleaning; this is removed when not needed. Dentists offer instructions on how best to use your dentures until you get used to them.

Dental Veneers

One treatment that is popular with our patients is porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are a type of dental procedure that provides tooth-coloured covers over your teeth. They’re shaped out of tooth-coloured composite material that has been artfully crafted to precisely cover the front of the teeth like a second skin without hiding any natural tooth structure.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped restoration that is placed over a damaged or exposed tooth. They are normally used to protect the teeth and supporting structures from further damage. A dental crown can also be used to improve the appearance of a tooth by changing its shape or colour.

Dental Bridges 

A dental bridge is a fixed prosthetic replacement for missing teeth. The bridge spans the space left by the missing tooth to fill it out with porcelain or metal. We provide a dental exam to help determine if you are a candidate for this type of treatment.

5 Reasons Why You Should Restore Your Teeth 

When you lose your teeth through illness or accident, you’ll need to find the best solution to replace them.

New teeth solutions include:

  1. Dental implants are fitted with a titanium post that sits under the gum line
  2. Custom-made dentures involve taking impressions of your teeth so that they’re as comfortable as possible. They may also have soft attachments for the inside of your mouth to make them more bearable.
  3. A bridge replaces missing teeth by fitting false teeth over the gap and holding it all together with metal clasps on either side.
  4. The veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that covers up a tooth’s surface so it looks nicer and healthier.
  5. Crowns are like caps for your teeth; they fit over your existing tooth to protect it from damage or decay.


New Teeth FAQ

Leaving gaps between your teeth will impact your speech and your ability to eat properly. Gaps can also make your smile look less attractive, which will have an impact on your self-confidence. Replacing missing teeth can be advantageous in multiple ways including making you look younger and more attractive, making you able to chew more types of food, and resulting in a general improvement of your health as a more balanced diet is more possible.
Dentures are effective for some patients, but dental implants are preferred by most. Unlike dentures, dental implants are surgically implanted into the jawbone where they fuse to the bone and don't slip out of place. Patients can eat a wide variety of foods again and be confident that their teeth will not fall out or get loose. To learn more about how our Birmingham dentist can help you get new teeth, contact us today!
An immediate denture is fitted immediately after your teeth are removed, so you don't have to be without teeth while your gums heal. Bone and gums will shrink over time, especially during the first six months post-denture procedure. If your gums shrink, you may need to reline, adjust, or even replace your dentures. In some cases, waiting until your gums have healed before getting dentures is advisable.
After an initial consultation and determining the exact number of permanent teeth that need to be placed, the entire process generally takes about three to five months and this can include quite a bit of time for healing. Additionally, if you're considering full-arch dental implants, note that it's hard to determine a time frame since recovery time can vary greatly from person to person.

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