Can Dentists Tell if You Vape?

Can Dentists Tell if You Vape?

If you have Googled “can dentists tell if you vape?” you obviously have a conscience… or you are just trying to get away with vaping with no dental consequences! If your parents cannot tell if you vape, your dentist sure will!

At Manor House Dental we provide dental check-ups to make sure your oral health is up to scratch. Switching from smoking to vaping is not a healthy alternative. We will explore this more down below.



​​Health Issues With Vaping

Vaping has been linked to a number of health problems, including:

Lung damage: Vaping can cause lung irritation, inflammation, and injury, which can lead to shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pain. In severe cases, it can also cause lung disease, such as bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn lung).

Nicotine addiction: Many e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive. This can lead to physical and psychological dependence, making it difficult for people to quit vaping.

Heart problems: Vaping can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems by raising blood pressure and heart rate.

Mouth and throat problems: Vaping can cause dry mouth, tooth decay, and other oral health problems. It can also lead to sore throat, hoarseness, and mouth ulcers.

Birth defects: Nicotine can harm the developing fetus during pregnancy.

Secondhand smoke: Vaping releases chemicals into the air that can be harmful to people who are exposed to them, especially children and pregnant women.

Short-Term Effects of Vaping on Teeth and Gums

Short-term effects of vaping on teeth and gums can include:

  • Dry mouth: Vaping can cause dry mouth, which can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Saliva is important for neutralising acid and washing away food particles, so when you have a dry mouth, your teeth and gums are more vulnerable to damage.
  • Discolouration of teeth: The chemicals in e-cigarettes can stain teeth, giving them a yellow or brown appearance.
  • Irritation and inflammation of the gums: Vaping can cause inflammation and irritation of the gums, which can lead to redness, swelling, and bleeding.
  • Increased risk of dental cavities: The dry mouth caused by vaping can also increase the risk of dental cavities, as well as gum disease.
  • Mouth sores: Some people may experience mouth sores or ulcers due to vaping.

It’s worth noting that vaping can also have long-term effects on oral health, as well as overall health, so it’s important to be aware of the risks and to consult with a dentist or healthcare professional if you have concerns.


Long-Term Effects of Vaping on Teeth and Gums

The long-term effects of vaping on teeth and gums are not fully understood, as more research is needed in this area. However, some potential long-term effects of vaping on oral health include:

  • Gum disease: Long-term vaping can lead to inflammation and irritation of the gums, which can eventually lead to periodontal disease.
  • Bone loss: Periodontal disease can cause bone loss around the teeth, which can lead to tooth loss over time.
  • Increased risk of oral cancer: Some studies have suggested that vaping may increase the risk of oral cancer, although more research is needed to confirm this.
  • Tooth loss: Vaping can cause dry mouth, which can increase the risk of tooth decay and cavities. Over time, this can lead to tooth loss.
  • Discolouration of teeth: Vaping can stain teeth and cause discolouration over time. If you would like to know about the different types of teeth whitening and the best one to choose, you can find out here.
  • Other oral health issues: Long-term vaping can also lead to other oral health problems such as bad breath, sore throat, and hoarseness.


Long-term use of e-cigarettes has been shown to have negative effects on cardiovascular health, specifically by impairing the function of the body’s blood vessels. This can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues. Studies have also found that using both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes may lead to an even greater risk of cardiovascular disease than using either product alone. This is because e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes contain different but additive harmful substances.

It’s important to consult with a dentist or healthcare professional if you have concerns about the effects of vaping on your oral health.

The Guardian conducted a report on statistics of people in the UK vaping. They stated that ‘the proportion of adults using e-cigarettes in Great Britain has risen to 8.3%, equating to 4.3 million people’. Take a look at the results on the graph below.

This shocking data shows how many people are turning to vaping regardless of the consequences.


What Happens When You Quit Vaping?

When you quit vaping, your body will begin to detoxify itself and repair the damage caused by the inhalation of vapour.

Some of the immediate effects you may experience include:

Cravings for nicotine: Nicotine is highly addictive, so quitting vaping can cause withdrawal symptoms, including cravings for nicotine.

Changes in breathing: Your lungs will start to clear out the debris caused by vaping, and you may notice a change in your breathing, such as shortness of breath, coughing, or chest tightness.

Changes in taste and smell: Your sense of taste and smell may be heightened as your body detoxifies, which can make food and other things taste and smell better.

Mood changes: Nicotine withdrawal can cause irritability, anxiety, and depression, but these symptoms are usually short-lived.

Improved cardiovascular health: Vaping can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so quitting can reduce this risk and improve your overall heart health.

It is important to note that quitting vaping can be difficult and different people may experience different symptoms and intensity. If you are finding it hard to quit, you may consider seeking professional help or using nicotine replacement therapies such as gum or patch.

The Bottom Line 

Health is wealth, look after yourself and you will live a healthy life.  Vaping can be harmful to your health, both in the short term and long term. The inhalation of vapour can cause damage to the lungs and can lead to various respiratory illnesses. Additionally, vaping can also be addictive, as it contains nicotine. Therefore, it is recommended to stop vaping for the sake of your overall health.

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